Learn to Control Your Diabetes
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Learn to control your diabetes |
Learn to control your diabetes
Diabetes is a severe health problem that compromises the body's ability to control its blood sugar levels. The good news is that your efforts are worth it: diabetes is fighting. How? By eating a healthy diet, monitoring your weight, and following the instructions of your doctor. Learn how to fight variations in your blood sugar level.
All about diabetes
People with diabetes do not produce enough insulin, do not produce insulin at all, or their cells do not usually react to insulin. Insulin is an important hormone produced by the pancreas that allows glucose, a kind of sugar, to pass from the blood to the body's cells. The cells then use glucose as a source of energy. But if there is not enough insulin or if it does not correctly ensure the passage of glucose in the cells, it remains in the blood. This increases the glucose level.
In Canada, more than 2.7 million people have diabetes, and about 25% of adults do not know they are affected. The Canadian Diabetes Association estimates that 4.2 million people in Canada will have diabetes by the year 2020.
There square measure three main styles of polygenic disease: sort one diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes.
Type one polygenic disease happens once the duct gland cannot create endocrine.
Anyone with type 1 diabetes should take insulin daily. Less than 10% of all people living with diabetes have type 1 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not secrete enough insulin or when the body does not use insulin properly. It is usually found in adulthood, although it can sometimes reach children. Type 2 diabetes is treated with lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) and anti-diabetic medications (oral medications or insulin). More than 90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes, which is very carefully related to weight and obesity.
Gestational diabetes is a type of temporary diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. It is estimated that gestational diabetes occurs in 2% to 4% of pregnancies. The onset of gestational diabetes increases the risk for both the mother and her baby to become Type 2 diabetic later.
The Canadian Diabetes Association estimates that at least 5.7 million Canadians have prediabetes. In people with prediabetes, blood glucose (blood sugar) is higher than usual, but not high enough to make a diagnosis of diabetes. Just like in type 2 diabetes, the body produces insulin, but in reduced amounts, or it does not use insulin properly. Type 2 diabetes will develop in about half of people with prediabetes.
Studies have shown that blood sugar (blood glucose) as close as possible to the average level can help, in the long run, to reduce the risk of problems associated with diabetes such as nerve damage, kidney disease, and blindness (non-clairvoyance). Whatever your type of diabetes, you will need to measure your blood glucose frequently and follow a treatment plan that will stabilize it. Your doctor and pharmacist can explain how to monitor your blood glucose. To learn more, refer to our articles on diabetes in our database.
How to manage your diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is not regulated in the same way as type 2 diabetes.
To manage type 1 diabetes, you must:
- take insulin daily (by injection or pump) so that your body can stabilize your blood sugar and use the sugar;
- Follow your doctor's recommendations for diet and exercise
- regularly monitor your blood sugar. To this end, personal blood glucose meters that analyze a single drop of blood are beneficial;
- Monitor the A1C level that accounts for the control of your blood sugar in recent months. Your doctor will prescribe this test every 3 months (or every 6 months if your blood glucose is well under control) to make sure you can manage your blood sugar.
Your dose of insulin will be tailored to your personal needs based on several factors, including your weight, diet, and activity level. This is to achieve and maintain glucose levels as close as possible to normal.
To manage type 2 diabetes, you need to:
- take oral medications (given orally)
- Insulin injections (in some cases)
- make changes to the diet;
- maintain body weight and exercise
- regularly monitor blood sugar levels
- pass A1C tests.
If you have type 2 diabetes, your doctor may prescribe oral medications in the form of tablets or capsules. There are several kinds of medications taken orally to treat diabetes. They all act differently, but each of them lowers the blood sugar level. To find out which drug or combination is best for you, talk to your doctor.
Your management plan should include a regular exercise program and a well-balanced diet. To learn more about this, refer to the section "Managing Diabetes through Nutrition and Exercise."
Diabetes management through nutrition and exercise
Diabetes management is closely linked to diet and lifestyle.
A healthy diet
- A proper diet helps keep blood sugar, weight, and bad cholesterol at acceptable levels. It is, therefore, best to avoid foods high in calories and fat (especially saturated fats) and instead choose fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish and legumes.
- Your caloric requirements and your desired weight determine the amount of fat, carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, bread, and grains) and protein (meat, fish, milk and nuts) that are right for you. In general, a healthy diet provides a daily intake of 15% to 20% of calories from protein, while 20 to 35% are provided by fat and 45 to 60% by carbohydrates.
- Always read labels before trying "low fat," "light," or "fat-free" foods. Some products, devoid of sugar or low in calories, are presented as "dietary." Others boast of being recommended for people with diabetes. However, many dietary foods that contain sugar substitutes are high in fat and calories. So we can not always rely on "light" and "dietetic"; it is best to read the labels carefully.
- When you have an empty stomach, only one alcoholic beverage can significantly lower the blood sugar level. It is, therefore, best to drink slowly and always consume alcohol with food. Limit the number of your drinks to 2 drinks a day and avoid drinks such as brandy, port, and liqueurs (digestive) that have high sugar content.
- Eat sweets but in moderation. There is no need to ban sugar: a biscuit, a piece of chocolate or cake will not hurt you occasionally. Your healthcare professional can advise you on how to incorporate sweets into your diet safely.
Physical exercise
- Exercise lowers blood sugar in general. Also, it can increase the effectiveness of insulin while improving your health and vitality.
- Ask your doctor to suggest exercises that are right for you, but have a medical check-up from the beginning of an exercise program, and avoid excesses. Indeed, by gradually increasing your activity level, you will prevent injuries while cultivating the enthusiasm that will allow you to continue.
- Check your blood glucose before and after your exercises, so you avoid hypoglycemia (a sugar deficiency in the blood). Also, you can determine the effect of different activities on your blood sugar.
- Try light weights, walking and swimming - these are great exercises.Monitoring your blood glucose levelThe Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) recommends that insulin-dependent diabetics should self-monitor their blood glucose levels at least as often as they take insulin if glucose levels are higher. Within the target values. When type 2 diabetes is not treated with insulin, seek the advice of a physician or health professional about the frequency of self-monitoring. The rate of self-monitoring depends on the treatment you are following and the effectiveness of your blood sugar management. The CDA also recommends that people with type 2 diabetes who use lifestyle changes or an oral agent rather than insulin,Thanks to the blood glucose meters, you can monitor your blood glucose yourself and determine if it is within the target range, without leaving your home. These readers, which can be obtained at most pharmacies, allow you to take an active part in the management of your diabetes. Also, by using a blood glucose meter, you can determine the effect of certain foods on your blood sugar, which can better guide your food choices.To find out more about the best blood glucose meter model for you, talk to your diabetes educator or pharmacist. Before using a blood glucose meter, you will need the training to measure your blood glucose correctly.Consult your diabetes educator to learn more about:the size of the blood drop required and where to collect it;the type of strips you will needhow to check if the player is functioning correctly;how to code the reader (if necessary);how to clean the drive.If you have symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), check your blood glucose immediately. If you do not have a blood glucose meter on hand, treat your symptoms according to the following guidelines:Consume fast-absorbing carbohydrates (15 g);3 to 5 tablets of glucose (the exact number will depend on the glucose content of the tablet - be sure to check it and make sure that the total number of tablets gives you 15g of glucose);175 mL (¾ cup) orange juice or a standard soft drink;6 Life Savers®15 mL (3 teaspoons) or 3 packets of regular sugar diluted in water.Wait for quarter-hour, then check your glucose once more.If it is still too low, repeat the treatment (repeat step 1).Repeat the treatment (repeat step 1), if it is more than an hour before your next meal, or if you are going to do some physical activity, have a snack, for example, a half-sandwich or cheese with crackers without salt (the snack must contain 15 g of carbohydrates and a source of protein).Occasionally, doctors suggest that people who are prone to episodes of hypoglycemia should wear 1 mg of glucagon, ready to inject in an emergency and easily accessible. This medicine raises the sugar level quickly.Urine self-test kits are useful in case of illness. Ketones are potentially dangerous acids that accumulate in the blood when the amount of insulin is insufficient. Ketone body buildup occurs much more frequently with type 1 diabetes. Ask your doctor or health professional to explain the procedure for this test.
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